
More Anhui brand enterprises strive to Anhui Hall in YWITC

Resources of August 1 say that during the first half year ,the total trade volume in Anhui Hall reached 10 . 32 million USD , which greatly exceeds the total trade volume of last year ( since the opening of the hall on March 3) . Anhui Hall is located at East Area I on the 4th floor of District F of the Second Phase of Yiwu I nternational Trade City (YWITC). This is another exhibition hall with regional features afte r the e s tabl i shment of Taiwan Hall ,Hongkong Hall ,Korea Hall ,Sichuan Hall . At present , 2 4 enterprises from Anhui have entered the hall . Their business scope covers machinery, illumination apparatuses ,elecronic products , toys , cases and bags ,leather products ,stationary and so on . During January to June this year , 2 0 enterprises in Anhui Hall have realized export business .

