
Korean students in Yiwu enrolled by Tsinghua University

Two Korean students in Yiwu High School, Li Daquan and Hong Yujing (Korean names read in Chinese) ,were enrolled by Tsinghua University this year .On August 8, Li Daquan, the Korean boy who was enrolled by the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University told the journalist that he had lived and studied in Yiwu for 5 years and the serious and industrious spirit of Yiwu people affected him a lot .

Li Daquan' s father came to Yiwu ten years ago . As the trade between Yiwu and Korea became closer, his father gradually moved most of his business to Yiwu, set up his foreign trade company in Yiwu and finally transferred hi s chi ld to Yiwu for education . With his father, Li Daquan has been to half a dozen fairs around the wor ld such as those held in America,Britain, Canada, Germany,Swi tzerland and Rus s i a . And he helped his father as interpreter at Yiwu Fair . With rich experience Li Daquan took charge of the business in the company when his father was away from Yiwu. From time to time,he showed cus tomers around the market for purchase, negotiated with clients and contacted factories, which,far from having negative effect on his study, made him more ambitious in study .

Hong Yujing is a beautiful and quiet girl . Her father came to do food business in Yiwu in 2000 . With the business growing, Hong Yujing and her mother came to Yiwu three years ago .She transferred from Pujiang No . 1 High School to Yiwu High School when she was in Grade Eleven . She was fond of painting when she was young and had been well prepared for an art major though she was also good at other subjects .She was a sensible and diligent child in her head teacher' s eyes . She spent only one or two years in learning Chinese and now she passed the HSK 10 (Han Yu Shui Pin Kao Shi 10)

I t was her dream to study painting in the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University . At the beginning of this year she attended a trai ning program in Bei jng for 3 months and studied from 7 a . m. to 12 p . m. every day . No pains, no gains . Now her dream has come true--she was recruited by the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University.

