
Yiwu civil units set up a right-protection bridge for famous brands

12 years ago ,a civil unit to protect famous brand products was built in Yiwu ,which is called Yiwu Federation for the Protection of Famous Brand (YWFPFB) and it was the first non-governmental right-protection organization in China . Now it has developed from a local right protection unit to an international intellectual property protection and coordination organization. Besides realizing the winwin cooperation with the industrial and commercial law enforcement agencies in
anti-fakery activities ,the Federation has formed a right protection cooperation network , and has made all its efforts to help enterprises develop famous brand products .

Set up in 1995 , YWFPFB now consists of 160 members from 24 cities , provinces and autonomous regions as well as from countries such as America , England , France ,Japan , South Korea and Germany . The brands under protection add from
63 at first to 260 at present , some of which are owned by famous enterprises in America ,Japan ,South Korea ,France ,England and Italy . Now the Federation is known as one of the biggest organizations in right protection in China ,covering a
wide range in right protection , not only for brands of Yiwu famous local enterprises but also for those of famous national enterprises and even for that of well-known international enterprises , leading its way to an organization of international intellectual property cooperation.

In the past 5 years ,members of the Federation ,have cooperated with the law enforcement agencies , and investigated over 1,600 infringingcases , involving 34,300,000 Yuan (RMB) . For one thing , in 2006 , with the cooperation of the Federation ,there were 325 infringing cases investigated by the law enforcement agencies of the administration for industry and commerce , the public security bureau , the court and the procuratorate . There were over 200 brands infringed worth
6,860,000 Yuan (RMB) . Those infringed brands covered famous brands home and abroad such as Nike , Crocodile ,Nivea ,L ’oreal ,Casio ,Sony ,Canon ,Philips ,Toshiba and so on .

YWFPFB has continually strengthened i ts roll as a link and bridge laterally with departments and vertically with enterprises . It makes great efforts to set up a legal cooperative platform system. Confronting a feature of high infringement of commodity orders in foreign trade ,the Federation made suggestions in time and asked the industrial and commercial law enforcement departments to extend their supervision to key points such as foreign trade companies ,foreign trade storages ,agency companies ,consignment agencies for shipment , and unloading stations . In 2006 ,over 50 fake and infringement cases were dealt with from the above places and over 2 million Yuan (RMB) were fined . In order to win a battle of “stopping
from the beginning ,and fighting fake goods”, the Federation also suggested that original industries for fake goods and infringement ,such as print manufacturing ,silk knitting ,and duplicating ,be strongly supervised by the legal enforcement departments .

Last May ,the Federation opened a website of Yiwu Federation for the Protection of Famous Brand . Through the website ,all members may complain and get legal aids in time ,andexchange anti-fakery information as well .

On the basis of a “ 12315 ” Reporting and Complaining Unit firstly set by Yiwu City in the province , the City established a “12312 ”Intellectual Property Reporting and Complaining Center last year . In 2006 ,the association also set up an anti-fake goods group with a team of 120 members . Meanwhile , quality inspectors are employed ,and a net work against fake goods or things with poorquality establ ished . All members ’ brands have been rearranged and placed on file by the Federation . In addition , there has been a database there available for dealing with the cases .

