
Policy of export tax rebate takes effect

It is learned recently from the import and export taxation authorities of Yiwu Municipal Bureau of State Taxation that since this year,there has been a preferential policy of export tax rebate for Yiwu’s small commodities . According to statistics,Yiwu taxation authorities deputized to issue 11,234 value-added tax invoices for the export of small commodities in the first four months this year,rebating value-added tax totaling 15 million yuan,a rise of 57. 29% over the same period of last year . According to relevant regulations,foreign trade enterprises should obtain value-added tax invoices when they purchase goods from the individual dealers,and then with the export goods for which the tax authorities have issued value-added invoices,they can apply for the tax reate . The tax authorities in charge will calculate the tax to be rebated based on the collecting ratio marked on the value-added invoices . This measure aims to develop a normal channel of utilizing the foreign trade companies for the export of small commodities in Yiwu market,thus reducing the cost . For the convenience of the individual dealers’application for issuing value-added invoices,the municipal authorities of state taxation have opened windows in the Tax-conducting Service Hall,Huangyuan Market and International Trade City .

