
Ten Yiwu products honored as Jinhua Brand Commodity

It is learned from Yiwu Industrial & Commercial Bureau that ten Yiwu products ,including Truelove Blanket , Neoglory Jewelry ,Hualite Knitwear and Yiting Knitwear ,have been honored as Jinhua Brand Commodity .

According to the introduction by the relevant person in charge in Yiwu Industrial & Commercial Bureau,Jinhua Brand Commodity refers to the product or service with widelyrecognized particular name,package and decoration,as well as a relatively high popularity in Jinhua market . After the announcement of the product honored as Jinhua Brand Commodity,the owner can protect the legitimate interests of his enterprise by appealing to the administrative authority for help,if he finds that others use the name,package or decoration the same as ,or similar to ,that of his Brand Commodity,or sell the fake Brand Commodity under the same name,package or decoration.

The validity of Jinhua Brand Commodity lasts two years.Three months before the expirationdate ,the owner should apply to Jinhua Industri al & Commercial Bureau for its prolonging .

