
Donation Project in Yiwu

On the afternoon of June 10 ,2007 ,a truck carried plenty of articles donated by Yiwu Wuai Primary School to Yiwu Business office . At the first time three leather sofas and several glass tea tables displaced from school meeting room were carried by a truck . And then the donations by students of Wuai Primary School are carried to Yiwu Business office,such as composition books,fairy tale books,exercise books,colored picturebooks,dictionar ies ,penci ls ,rubbers ,schoolbags ,
recorders and toys as well . Jinsong,from Korea,contributed three big bags filled with his schoolbag and toys .

On the morning of Tuesday,Xiaote,an Afghan boy,carried an electric fan on his back . He told his teacher with much regret that he would rather bring an refrigerator on his back than an electric fan but was too heavy . In the charitable benefactions Yiwu Wuai Primary School donated the most articles till now.

At present many Yiwu urban children have a well-off life . The cost they spend in KFC can buy lot of books for migrant workers’children . Rural children have never owned these kinds of top grade toys scattered and rested at home by urban
children . Because there are many more only-child families at present,it is a very important topic for parents and teachers to focus on how to teach children to show thoughtful attention for others who need help .

Yiwu Business and Youth League Yiwu Committee organize a charitable benefaction . From now on Yiwu Donation Office begins to accept citizen’s donated articles . Small items can be sent directly to Room 206A on the second floor of the office
building of Yiwu Business or office of Youth League Committee on the fifth floor of Yiwu government building . Bulky articles can be accepted by youth volunteers at a time agreed upon .

