
Starting one’s own business provides him an “iron bowl”

Said is a young man from Egypt who came to Yiwu four years ago . Like many young people in Yiwu,he has been working hard to open up his own world . And he has succeeded.Now he has business connections all over the world .“I am running my career
with all my heart,”said Said .

In those first days in Yiwu,Said knew little about the local markets.Once he went to Futian Market to buy a cel l phone . I n such a vast market,he searched one zone after another for what he needed,only to return empty handed because he went
to the wrong market . As a hothead,he went wherever he could for what he wanted to buy and day by day he got himself familiar with all markets and streets in Yiwu . Now he knows the market even better than a native businessman . There is a map in his mind ab out what Yiwu supplies and what the customers in other parts of the world need . With this map he
becomes a Mr . Yiwu,who can find things that other people cannot and knows things that others don’t know. This“know-how”offers him huge commercial opportunity and helps him contend for a market . He has struck a gold mine of his own.

“It is not an easy matter to get on well with your business . With endless things waiting for you to consider,you may easily feel tired,”said Said .“But it is also simple to run it well and develop it better if you keep promises and hold the idea that quality goes first,”he added .To cater to different tastes of his worldwide customers,Said has worked out several optional purchasing schemes for them so that they can make a choi ce accordi ng to local preferences and market situations .

Said is on friendly terms with many local traders . He says he likes staying with Yiwu people because they are kind and ready to help . He also sees their quality of diligence and the pioneering sprit .“They are unwilling to lag behind and never give up,”he says when he speaks in praise of Yiwu people . Said was once a college student majoring in engineering . But like many other young men in Egypt,he hopes to earn more through his knowledge and efforts so as to realize the value of his life . He says that he has seen a lot of young people in Yiwu choosing to start their own business rather than adopt a come-daygo-day attitude . He says,“If you are a man of ability and are willing to work hard,you’ll never be fired.”

