
Four ways to apply for Olympic Tickets

Since April 1 5 ,tickets for the 2 0 0 8 Olympic Games,over 7 million in total,have become accessible to people over the world .People can get tickets through four channels:Bank of China Olympic Ticketing Outlets,the ticketing website (http
://tickets.beijing2008.cn),the Olympic Ticketing Call Center and venue box offices .

As for tickets allocated to the home spectators,the Organization Committee of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will sell them in three installments . The period from April 15 to June 30 is the first phase and is only for submission of ticket applications . Applicants may make their submission electronically on the ticketing website or by a paper form.Completed paper forms can be submitted at any of the 1000 designated Bank of China Olympic ticket outlets or at the following mailing address :Bei jing 100007 Mailbox ,Sub-box No. 98,Beijing,Postal code 100007 . Both early and late applicants will have an equal chance of securing tickets . In July and August 2007 the ticketing system will tally all the valid applications . I n case the total number of applications exceeds that of actual tickets available,distribution of tickets will be made by the
Lottery Program in the computer . The tickets to be sold in this phase will include all the tickets for opening and closing ceremonies and half of tickets for various events . Each customer can buy only one opening or closing ceremony ticket .

Phase 2 starts in October 2007,and ends in December 2007 . This phase offers three ways of purchasing tickets:1 . the ticketing website,2 . the participating Bank of China Olympic ticketing outlets ,3 . the Olympic Ticketing Call Center . Ticket orders placed in Phase 2 will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis . In Phase 2 the other 50% of the sports competition tickets and the tickets left in Phase 1 are availab le. Phase 3 starts in April 2008 and extends through the closing of the Olympic Games . During this phase,in addition to the three purchasing methods above, applicants may also purchase at the particular venue box offices .

It is learned that there are over 60,000 tickets for the opening ceremony,which include 26,000 for domestic sales,40 . 8% of the total. In June 2008 the ticket buyer may pick up the tickets at any of the 1000 designated Bank of China Olympic ticketing outlets. Against presentation of the confirmation letter issued by organization committee and his ID card,a person can get only one ticket for the opening or closing ceremony,and he will be required to submit his photo for identification
before entering the stadium so as to ensure that the person entering the stadium is the ticket buyer himself . Transfer of tickets for opening or closing ceremonies is expected to start from July 2008,subject to approval of the organization committee.

