
The first chain distribution centre of CCC set in Shangzhi

On the morning of May 1 8 ,Dong Fengshan,the secretary of the CPC Shangzhi Committee,Heilongjiang Province,and Wu Bocheng,the president of Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co . ,Ltd . ( CCC) touched the crystal ball to activate the purchase and distribution network of China Commodities City at 11 a . m. Meanwhile, Yiwu-Shangzhi Commodities Agency purchase and Exhibition Center opened for business. It’s a remarkable sign of the start-up of first multi-functional chain
distribution centre of CCC in China . The centre operates commodity display,online trade,purchasing agent and logistics distribution . More than 3 ,000 newly arrived commodities from Yiwu are just displayed with universal Product Code Bars and are all shining with good order . Hundreds of well-informed purchasers from near by areas of Shangzhi felt like in a supermarket and were extremely excited . They inquired the staffs with orders in hands . The reporter interviewed a few purchasers in the crowded consulting room. Mrs . Liu came from Tonghe County which is 100 km away from Shangzhi . In the morn
ing she filled in a purchasing order of over 5900 yuan . She told the reporter that she didn’t dare to purchase in Yiwu for her limited local business in the past, but now she could buy the cheap but good Yiwu commodi ties in Shangzhi . This brought her a great convenience and saved her a large sum of freights . Mr . Zhang came from Yanshou County which is 45 km away from Shangzhi . He made his order with extreme carefulness . He said he did the retail business and purchasing commodities in front of his doors would be his best choice because i t’s much more convenient .

Shangzhi is located in the Southeast of Heilongjiang province,which is 124 km east to Haerbin and 177 km west to Mudanjiang City . I t covers an area of 9,000 square meter with 620,000 populations and it’s the only sub-central city approved by the State Council . The distribution centre of CCC i s located in Baoxing Commodities Market of Shangzhi,which is run by a local private enterprise---Soaring Group,and now it has over 800 traders and 30,000 square meter business areas . With the help of Yiwu fames,Baoxing Commodities Market has begun its second phase construction over 45,000 square meter and starts its new market planning . The scale perspective of the market is about 500,000 square meter.

