
Little migrants fly to Yiwu to enjoy summer vacation Ⅰ

When the summer vacation comes,there is a group of children,who,driven by the fami lial affection ,travel from hometown to Yiwu just for a short period of t ime that they can enjoy together with their parents working in the city. They are called the city’s “li ttle migrants”,a simile term that compares them to migratory bi rds . Although those “little migrants” can come to reunite with parents,the totally new environment and little time from their parents to look after them are big problems . Besides,the safety of the children of rural laborers during the summer vacation has become a worry as well .

  I n every summer vacation since 2 0 0 5 ,Goldensun Group in Yiwu ’s Dachen Town finds a place,employs a teacher and sets up a temporary baby class for the rural laborers’ children .

  “We plan to make thi s summer class a regular baby class with professional teachers for baby education,because some of them even need to have kinde rga r ten educ a ti on in Dachen Town,” said Wu Liangfeng,Chairman of Labor Union of Jiaoli Hosiery attached to Jinwu Group,when introducing the developing history of the baby class excitedly .

  This baby class lies in the activity center of the dormitory building of Jiaoli Hos iery,a room covering 3 0 square meters . In the room,an air conditioner is busy producing cold air at the corner,colorful plastic boards are laid on the floor,various pictures and drawings are pasted on the wall,and children toys and books are placed on the tables .

  A parent named Zhou Xiaohui said,“My 6-year-old son Wan Jiahuan,was just transferred from his hometown Yigan,Jiangxi Province,and since this is the first time that he has come to the class,I come to have a look,fearing that he can’t get used”. Unexpectedly,she found her son had a good time there and then felt relaxed .

