
Foreigner’s application for working permit to be handled in Yiwu

It is learned from the meeting of “Management of foreigners who intend to work in China” held on July 11 in Yiwu that from July 16 foreigner’s application for employment license can behand led in Yiwu . All the procedure s will be completed in
Yiwu. It is confirmed that Yiwu is the first county-level city authorized to handle foreigners’employment affairs .

According to related regulations,foreigners who want to work in China must obtain “working permit”. Any foreigner working in China without “working permit” will be deemed as illegal employee and will be punished by Public Security Bureau . According to statistics,in the first half of this year,Yiwu handled the registration of working permit for 607 people from 37 countries .

In accordance with“Notice to Enlarge Certain Powers of Yiwu for Economic and Social Administration ” issued by the administrative office of Zhejiang provincial government and the actuality that a large number of foreigners are employed in Yiwu ,the provincial department of labour and social security decided to transfer the power of managing foreigners’employment in Zhejiang province . As from July 16 ,Yiwu is able to accept reigners’application for employment permit,to issue Alien Employment License of PRC ,foreigner’s Work Permit of PRC,and to supervise the employers who employ foreigners and foreign employees who work in Yiwu .

