
Licensed stores for 2008 Olympics to exceed 10,000 next year

“By the time of the opening ceremony of the Olympics in 2008,there will be over 10,000 license dretail stores andoutlets nationwide,”saidY uan Bin,director of Marketing Development Department of Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2 0 0 8 Olympic Games ( BOCOG) at the thi rds ession of Bei jing Sponsors Assembly on June 20 . Yuan Bin continued,“There are now morethan 800 Olympic licensedret ail stores across China . By the time of the opening ceremony for the Olympiadi n August 2008,this figure will have grown to 10,000 andt he Olympic products developed by BOCOG will reach 7,000 . ”

“By the endo f May 2007 ,BOCOG had selected5 9 licensedm anufacturers to turn out several thousandp roducts in 10 categories including clothing and garments,noble metal products andth e like . Anda s well,the sponsorship program hadalm ost been completed,”she added .

