
Standard Pa American Hall to be functionally planned

There will be three functional streets in Standard Pa American Hall in International Trade City:One for American red wines ,most from California; another for American cosmetics and cleaning products,about 17 kinds in all; and the other for purchase talks with sample rooms,where Christmas presents,handcrafts,outdoor and leisure products are displayed . All the products in these streets are exhibited for the whole year and it is very convenient for wholesale dealers,commission agents and etailers to do business .
At present,the hall covers an area of 4000square meters with 67 booths,exhibiting more than 2000 American products of 7 categories,such as cosmetics,health food,wine,food,drink,baby needs,auto supplies,cleaning products .Now Standard Pa
American Hall is under construction,and will be put into use at the opening ceremony of 2007 YWICF.

