
Golden Week brings ITC about one billion yuan of business volume

Recently,it was learned from Zhejiang China Commodities City Group that business flourished in the International Trade City( ITC)an d tour shopping showed a sound growth momentum from October 1 to October 7 ,known as “October Golden Week”. According to incomplete statistics,during the Golden Week,Yiwu International Trade City realized 990 . 13 million yuan of bus iness volume ,and received 2 4 7 touring parties organized by travel agencies from different places,totaling 9 ,4 1 7 people . The daily number of tourists visiting the Tourism Shopping Center exceeded 1 5 ,0 0 0 on the average ,with the maximum of 3 0 ,725 on October 5 .

During this Golden Week,the business volume of ITC grew steadi ly wi th relatively centralized categories of hot products including headwear ,jewelry ,electrictoy ,brand appliance ,sports and recreational supply ,cosmetic and glasses ,said the chief of the administration office of the Tourism Shopping Center in ITC . Nevertheless,different tendencies could be observed in the popularity of products in di fferent categor ies . For example ,the sale of writing instruments mainly came from gold fountain pen,water color brush ,paintbrush ,and pa ints with some domestic brands ,while cosmetic and glasses with international brands ( like Lancome winter skincare series and Prosun glasses)en joyed more advantages in the selling. In contrast,for sports and recreational supplies ,both the domestic and foreign brands sold well .

This year group travel decreased,while self-driving trave l and indi vidual travel prevailed . The domestic consumer groups of tour shopping mainly came from the neighboring provinces like Shanghai ,Jiangsu,Fujian,and Jiangxi . Compared with last year ,this year saw a remarkable increase in the overseas tourists,especially the American and European tourists . The tourists from other places in the Tourist Shopping Center became more mature and rational . The phenomenon of blind,random or one-time consumption reduced ,and fashion-catching diminished-the previous attention to the commodities’appearance and styles was turned to its price,utility and quality . All of these indicate the shaping of more mature market consumption.

Yiwu city in the documentary Umbrella

What becomes of the rural Chinese,who rush to be sheltered by the vast umbrella of the country’s newfound economic prosperity?I t is a question Du Haibin raises in his latest documentary Umbrella,which garnered massive applause at the end of its first press screening .

The film,screened in the competition section for the Horizon Documentary Prize at this year’s Venice Film Festival,takes the umbrella as its metaphor,following five groups of people living in various regions of rural China .“For quite a long time I ’ve wanted to make a documentary that faithfully portrays life in contemporary rural Chinese soc i ety . This idea originated from my personal feeling,”Du says .

Farming,the means of subsistence for most of the Chinese since anc ient times ,now moves into an unfami liar frontier . As ci ties experience rapid change bringing increased wealth,Du found that in the countryside ,the situation is just the opposite Umbrella explores the far reaching trails of farmers who relocate to the fastest-growing zones at this time of social change . Some l e a ve t h e i r home town to work in factories in big cities making umbrellas for a few dollars ; others turn to selling umbrellas and become rich overnight .“From five regions we pi cked fi ve groups of people,”said Du .“With the portrayal of their living conditions,I try to tear apart the apparent economic prosperity and expose the embarrassing reality in rural China .“I try to show how peasants,China’s largest population group,are struggling to survive at this historic time . I try to portray the ordinary people caught up in this society of opportunism,restlessness and vanity,”he says .

The fi lm’s characters include young people coming from the countryside to work in a private factory in Guangdong ,and a woman from Zhejiang Province who gave up peasant life to become a businesswoman in Yiwu,the booming small commodity center in the province. There are the rural college graduates at a Shanghai job fair,new army recruits,and old men who cling to the land and live under the mercy of Nature . The five sections seem connected,but are unrelated . Du does not purport to have the answers to the di lemma facing the displaced people of globalization. “But if we managed to get more people to see and ponder with us,including those caught up in the circumstance ,then we would have succeeded . ”he says .

Du has persevered in the difficult world of documentary filmmaking for nearly ten years,achieving fame and acclaim for Along the Railway( 2001) and Beautiful Men( 2005). “I remember when I watched Robert J Flaherty’s Nanook of the North . I was so deeply moved by it . Documentaries give me more freedom than a feature film would,”he says .“I feel a responsibility to record people’s lives fairly and objectively during these times of change . I ’m glad that through my work I can experience different kinds of life . This is important to me,to my life . Every time I re-watch my work it feels like re-reading some very old books . Very special . ”

Du started his documentary career after gradua ting in photography from the Bei jing Film Academy . He continues to produce documentaries each year ,thoughth emedium attracts little financial backing . In 2005 his fifth documentary,Beautiful Men ,recei ved the prestigious Best Documentary award a t the Pusan I nternational Fi lm Festival,and was screened at a number of art house cinemas .“Communicating with the people I shoot is not a difficulty for me . The biggest difficulty is how to keep challenging myself . When I film a documentary,I cut myself off from the outer world . I eat,drink and live with my subjects . I disappear,”the director says .
“At first my family couldn’t understand what I was doing . My work i s not for fame or wealth . Whether my work is shown at home or abroad,documentary audiences are always small . But I think the world needs serious films that cause people to reflect on their society . ”

American commodities to be available on Yiwu market

In late August,a cargo vessel carrying more than 2000 kinds of products made in the USA left the west coast of the country for China . And by late October when Yiwu Fair will be held, these American commodities due to be displayed in America Hall of ITC will have been an appeal to people ’s eyes. Now more and more imported goods such as African wood carving,Brazil crystal,Korean china are seen in Yiwu market and exported to all over the world from Yiwu . And there are special showing halls for fine products made in different areas home and abroad such as Korea ,Hong Kong ,Taiwan ,Sichuan ,Anhui .

More and more Yiwu enterprises are striving to improve themselves in manufacturing technology,so that they can keep pace with the world level . Take Yiwu Easy Open End Coporation for example, 28 million yuan has been invested to establish the only technology center for easy open lids of cans in China . Some enterprises are turning to produce hosing machines with the technique of light-electricity Integration instead of selling small commodities . It is said that since the beginning of the year there have been 12 key technology innovation projects above hundred million yuan across the city .

Throughout the transformation from ‘selling national goods’to‘selling global goods’in Yiwu market,there was the constant innovation of the service system,including logistic system,as the back up . This can ensure smooth transportation of various commodities of diversified orders to any destination in the world without much increase in cost . It is said that the first batch of goods of more than 5000 varieties valued more than 2 million yuan has been delivered to Shangzhi Small Commodi ty Market in HeiLongjiang Province

An indexical card satisfies tourists

Yiwu market has a business area of 2 . 6 mi l l ion square ki lometers and 5 8 thousand business booths ,dea l ing in more than 400 thousand kinds of commodities in over 1900 categories from 43 industries . So i t ’s not very easy for tourists to find the exact goods they want and to walk around successfully . Therefore,Yiwu Municipal Tourism Admini stration issues 1 0 0 0 thousand indexical cards for tourists to Yiwu Int’l Trade City,which indicate the names of the commodi ties,business districts ,booths and their phone numbers, and as well the way they can go next . All the tourists can easily get the cards when entering the market.

Dehua Ceramics globally known via Yiwu

With beatings of gongs & drums and cracks of fireworks,an opening ceremony was held at the West Gate of the Phase I of Yiwu International Trade Ci ty by Zhejiang Marketing Center of Nanfang Delux of Dehua Porcelains on the morning of Oct . 5 .
Dehua,with its more than 1000-year-history of ceramics production,is one of the cradles of Chinese ceramics culture,and known as one of the 3 Ancient Porce lain Capitals ,namely Jingdezhen of Jiangxi Province,Liling of Hunan Province . With
its rapid development of ceramics industry in recent years,Dehua county boasts over 1 ,100 porcelain corporations that handles ceramic products of three categories:handicraft ceramics,daily-use ceramics and artistic ceramics .

The production value and export delivery value in 2006 respectively reached RMB 4 . 705 billion and RMB 3 billion . Dehua became the largest production and export base of handicraft ceramics in China with its products selling to more than 190 countries and regions . With Dehua ceramics keeping selling to the world via Yiwu,the consigning business from Dehua to Yiwu is flourishing with each passing day,and Yiwu has become one of the most important distributing windows of Dehua occident
handicraft ceramics . Tu wenxi,a businessman from Dehua who has been dealing in porcelains in Yiwu for years,says that many Dehua ceramics enterprises hope to open up sales through Yiwu . His vicegerent products sell to many countries and regions
like USA,Egypt,Europe,Middle East and the Southeast Asia.

Standard Pa American Hall to be functionally planned

There will be three functional streets in Standard Pa American Hall in International Trade City:One for American red wines ,most from California; another for American cosmetics and cleaning products,about 17 kinds in all; and the other for purchase talks with sample rooms,where Christmas presents,handcrafts,outdoor and leisure products are displayed . All the products in these streets are exhibited for the whole year and it is very convenient for wholesale dealers,commission agents and etailers to do business .
At present,the hall covers an area of 4000square meters with 67 booths,exhibiting more than 2000 American products of 7 categories,such as cosmetics,health food,wine,food,drink,baby needs,auto supplies,cleaning products .Now Standard Pa
American Hall is under construction,and will be put into use at the opening ceremony of 2007 YWICF.


Project of International Trade City(phase Ⅲ)kicks off

At 9:15 a .m. Sept . 25, the project of ITC ( phase Ⅲ) kicked off . It will cover an area of 840 mu , with 7.75 million squaremeters of building area in total . It is estimated that 5 billion yuan will be invested in the project.

6.5 pairs of trains added during National Day holiday

The forthcoming National Day holiday is the first October golden week since the sixth nationwide railway speed-up .To ease the transportation pressure from the increasing passengers ,6. 5 pairs of temporary trains will be added to the Yiwu railway schedule . The golden week transportation is to last from 0 :00 September 28 to 24 :00 October 7,1 0 days in total .Shanghai Railway Bureau schedules 25 .5 pairs of trains more for the passengers in the golden week,of whi ch 6 pairs are longdistance trains and the others local ones.T he schedule is as follows:

Citywide fire control publicity carried out to foreigners

On Sep . 6,the Fire Department of Yiwu Municipal Bureau of Public Security ,to gether with Police Stations of Jiangdong,Choubei ,Chouchen ,Chouj iang ,Beiyuan ,examined the fire safety situation in places where foreign people reside and conducted the fire control publicity to them. These activities were quite welcomed by foreigners . According to statistics,92% of more than ten thousand foreigners live in Subdistricts of Jiangdong,Choubei ,Chouchen,Chouj iang ,Beiyuan . To strengthen their awareness of their legal liabilities and actions in case of fire accidents,inform them of how to discover hidden fire dangers ,improve their ability of extinguishing fires,officers of the Fire Department of Yiwu Municipal Bureau of Public Security went to churches and expatriate areas for public city ,where they offered lectures about fire control,distributed booklets with English translations about fire safety . They also provided fire control safety column in media and on internet .And i n hotels and communities populated with foreigners,fire-fighting drills and evacuation exercises were carried out to teach foreign residents how to escape and save themselves in case fire accidents occur .

Yiwu ranks 8th among the top 100 counties in economy development

The 7th list of the top 100 counties in economy development ( including county level cities) was released recently . According to the l ist,Yiwu ranks 8 th ,up by 2 places over the previous year . The top ten counties are Jiangyin,Kunshan,Zhangjiagang,Changshu,Wujiang,Cixi,Shaoxing,Taicang,Jinjiang,Yixing ,Yiwu ,Yuyao and Rongcheng . Of these top ten,the 4 neighboring county level cities of Jiangsu Province ( Jiangyin ,Kunshan ,Zhangjiagang and Changshu) tied for the first place as “top counties group of regional economy”. The list of China’s top 100 counties in economic competitiveness,is worked out by China County Economy Competitiveness Assessment Center through careful study of published data with the help of some authorities and experts . The assessment began in 2000 and the first release was made in 2001 . This year ’s list is the 7 th release .Although unofficial compared with “Top 100 counties” released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China,the list is still authoritative and referential to some degree .

A foreign dealer settles in ITC

“ Purchasing the global products and marketin g products globally” i s the appraisal of Yiwu by the businessmen from all over the world . Abdullah is a trader from Turkey ,who ,a fter one year of hardworking in Yiwu ,final l y had a booth in his possession in Augus t in the Inte rnat ional Trade City ( ITC ) . His booth ,which specializes in automobile parts ,makes him the first foreign dealer who owns a booth in Yiwu Market .

Abdullah ’s booth is located on the second floor of District G in ITC ( PhaseII ) . When we got there ,he and hi s Chinese wi fe Xu Fang were dealing wi th business affairs in an orderly manner .Xu Fang is a Sichuan person,who got familiar with Abdullah two years ago when they were doi ng business in Shenzhen and then got married.

The couple came to Yiwu three or four times every month at that time,not only because Yiwu is asea of smallc ommodities ,but a l so because Yiwu ’s small commodities are offine quality and low price . Besides ,they also felt satisfied with Yiwu’s transport faciliti es and investment environment . After careful comparison and consideration,the couple made up their minds to develop their business in Yiwu . Abdullah planted two flags on his desk deliberately one is the five-star red flag,and the other is the national flag of Turkey that serve as a symbol of the friendship between the two countries .

Sinc e Abdul l a h owned a booth in ITC,his business has been much better than before .Today,the i r automobile parts are exported to not only Turkey,but also Columbia ,Syria and other countries . Now,in addition to the business of automobile parts ,Abdullah makes himself a foreign trade agent . To them,thei r factory in Turkey only plays a role of freight relay station ,because many old customers would rather come to Yiwu to purchase with his help .

Everyda y ,the couple ’s booth receives a lot of customers . Abdullah shows a remarkable language advantage in handling business,for many of the customers are not Chinese ,while his wife Xu Fang takes charge of the production in factories ,ensuring the adequate supply of highquality products . The couple has a clear job division as well as good teamwork . After over one year of staying in Yiwu,they gave birth to their daughter named Rose half a month ago . Abdullah and his wife like very much this highly internationalized city .The friendliness,hardworking,hones ty and to lerance of the people in this city impress them deeply .

1288 foreign enterprises from over 100 countries and regions set up their representative offices in Yiwu

Sources from the related office indicate that by the end of August,2007 ,there have been 1 ,2 8 8 foreign enterprises from over 100 countries and regions setting up thei r representative offices in Yiwu . Yiwu now is the county with the largest number of permanent establishments abroad in China . In April,2002 ,a Palestinian trade company firstly setup its office in Yiwu . And with the growing reputation of Yiwu around the world,the number of permanent offices of foreign countries increases rapidly .

  This March,the representative office of Darcono Brothers Co . Ltd was established by Darcono from Mali ,Africa,who became the 1000th one of foreign offices in Yiwu . Sinc e then,Yiwu has become the first city with one thousand resident offices of foreign enterprises in Zhejiang Province . With the great influence in the international world,Yiwu owns more and more resident offices of foreign enterprises . Up to now,Yiwu ranks the first in all county-level cities in China according to its number of permanent offices of foreign countries. Initially,most resident offices came from the Middle East and Africa. But since 2004 ,more and more offices have been coming from Europe ,America ,Japan ,Korea and otherd eveloped countries,which accounts for 17 . 6% of the total today .

In the first half of this year,due to the stable,sound and rapid growth of the city’s export-oriented economy,the total volume of the import & export trade amounted to 818 million US dollars . Yiwu wi tnessed a large-scale increase in exports with its major trade partners . In particular,the exports to the U. S . increased by 48 . 7% ,the European Union 3 6 . 9% ,India 5 9 . 7% and Brazil 35 . 6% . The top export countries and regions are as follows:the United States ,the United Arab Emirates ,Russia ,Ukraine ,Germany ,Korea,Spain,Brazil,and Panama .