
Yiwu:The Favorite Cities in China

Recently there are three new bronze sculptures in the Central Park located in the east of the I nternational Trade City . The sculptures made of bronze shows that the Yiwu’s spirits of “Industry,diligence,integrity,Bravery,Honesty,Accommodation”. Meanwhile,Yiwu has been rated by the public among “The Favorite Cities in China”.

Bus terminal in Railway Station partly in use

Recently,the first phase of the 29-million-yuan bus terminal project in Yiwu Railway Station covering 6160 square meters of building area was put into operation.
According to the design ,there should be 7 bus lines in the bus station for passengers to and from the railway station, and 14 routes of buses can stop in the bus station at the same time . Now2 . 5 bus l ines have been brought into use . Bus No . K801 ,K802 ,K803 ,K804 ,K805 now can be found in thi s bus station . And the destinations of these buses are International Commodities City ,South Bus tation,Jiangdong Station,Exhibition Center and so on . At present,the second phase of the project is under construction and it will be finished until the end of next year .

Foreign traders flock to manufacturing center

Surrounded by enormous industrial zones and hundreds of factories,the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu is hardly a favorite with tourists .However,the manufacturing city is one of the country ’s most popular desti nati ons for foreign vi si tors and businessmen making bulk buys of toys,clothes,trinkets and hardware to sell all over the world .
Thousands of factory representatives carry out a fiercely competitive trade in the specialist markets of Yiwu,300 kilometers south of Shanghai in Zhejiang Province .
The brand-newC hina Commodi ty City has 27 ,000 stalls already and has designs on becoming the biggest market in the world .
“Ninety-five percent of our product goes abroad,” said Wu Yajing,one of hundreds of tradesmen selling bracelets,headbands and other hair accessories . “Our cus tome r s a r e Ge rmans , Japanese,Italians,Americans or from the Middle East . Everything is done by barter,there’s no fixed price,” said one female stall-holder .
Zoran Spaseski,a young Macedonian buyer on hi s thi rd vi si t,said:“The good thing about Yiwu is it has great variety and you can buy in small quantities,unlike other places in China where you have to fill a whole container with the same product . ”
Some of the visitors are old hands in the Asian market,such as Lebanese businessman Ali Jawfar,who 25 years ago used to buy in Hong Kong,Taiwan and South Korea .
“I’ve been coming here six or seven times a year for the last four years . I buy mostly for my two sons in Gabon . I make the orders and arrange to send the products there,” he said .
“These things are for the Middle East,” he added,pointing to a stand selling boards of Koranic verses in calligraphy . Nearby,images of the Virgin Mary,Father Christmas and the Buddha are available in all different sizes .The roaring trade has led a growing number of businessmen from the Middle East,Afri ca and South Asia to open offices in Yiwu .
“For Romania,I usually buy lowquality stuff,but I ’m opening a shop in Sweden soon so I’ll need very good quality,” said one Jordanian who arrived eight months ago .
“It’s great here,they’ve got everything I need . I mainly buy cosmetics and hardware,” said a Dubai-based Moroccan,puffing on a water-pipe in one of Yiwu’s dry Muslim restaurants .“I come six or seven times a year,filling two or three containers each time. That makes an order of about US$100,000,” he said .
Luo Liping,a 22-year-old Chinese entrepreneur,said Yiwu‘s development had really taken off in the last two years. “Thanks to modern machinery,I produce 1.5 million pairs of shoes a year with only 30-40 workers,” said Luo,who set up her business using money from her father,who runs a transport company“. The world is pretty unstable but I’m full of confidence in China’s future,”she said.

Fotang,China’s Historical Cultural Famous Town

Fotang Town of Yiwu City was recently granted China’s Historical Cultural Famous Town by Ministry of Construction of the PRC and State Admini stration of Cultural Heritage .
The ancient street in Fotang is 2000 meters l ong ,and has about 100 important historical buildings and traditional folk houses integrated with unique local woodcarving,brick carving and stonework. Fotang also has tangible cultural her i tage l ike ances tral temples,torii,float bridges and piers and abundant intangible cultural heritage such as local traditional festivals and customs .
Fotang town has a long history with deep cultural deposits,especially from th e Ming and Qing Dynasties,and cultures of farming and trade in Fotang are important parts of the ancient civilization of Yiwu . The conservation and continuation of Fotang’s history and cul ture for thousands of years has been coherent with painstaking efforts of generations of the Fotang people and cultural workers . This granting is not only the affirmation and encouragement to the work of protecting Fotang culture but also a spur on the work to conserve Yiwu culture.

Yiwu International Trade City (Phase III):the largest individual building in China

The third phase of Yiwu I nternational Trade City(YWICC) can be called the largest individual building project in China presently . It’s located in the area west of Chunfeng Avenue,north of Yinhai Road,East of Futian Road and south of Chengxin Avenue . The total site area is 840 Mu,and the total building area is 1.75 mi llion メ,including 0.32 million メunderground building area and 1 . 43 million メaboveground building area . The total budget of the third phase of YWICC reaches 5 billion yuan,equal to the total scale of the first two phase of YWICC.
The third phase of YWICC emphasizes the idea of “green,environme nta l fr i e ndly and e ne rgy saving”,reali zing the innovation in the aspects of market servi ce system,the function of main entrance,design concepts,business and service modes ,th e organi zation of market traffics,connection between different market area,market building function,building materials,energy uti lization,water utilization . And the third phase of YWICC introduces advanced facilities like mobile roof windows,rainfall collection system and solar energy generator .
Compared with other markets,the third phase of YWICC increases newf acilities and services,such as inner entertainment walking street,the passenger conveyer in ground floor which has been used in international airports,service center for purchasers and foreign dealers in the hall near the south entrance,the VIP halls from third floor to fifth floor,the function of news release,on-line e-business and information inquiry,electroni c financi al clearing center ,on-line business center ,wideband service ,d igi tal purchase guidance,and digi tal news releasing and in quiry system . Near each entrances of the market,taxi parking wil l be set . Meanwhile ,several bus stops w lil be set around the market bui lding for future circle bus routes . The w idth side of the third phase of YWICC will connect the first and the second se c tion of the market . The mobile roof windows can be used to improve the fire control,lighting and air circulation si tuations .
The solar energy system can provide electrici ty for some equipment,and the separated r a infal l and polluted water processing system can collect and reuse the rainfall . The project of the third phase of YWICC carries out the construction of the first part,which covers an area of 24 Mu with a total building area of 1 million メand will provide 14800 booths and 8000 parking spaces . As an unusual enormous project in China,the construction units and supervision units put the quality of the third phase of YWICC in the first place . It’s learned that the construction work continues 24 hours a day,the management staff of the construction office take their positions all the time since the fi rst day of construction .
Wherever construction units go,they will supervise the quality of their work,and they even didn’t have a one-day break . The technicians also work overtime frequently . The construction units and supervision units all operate under the instruction of a series of strict construction regulations and systems .


Standardization of China's horologe industry started from Yiwu

Standards are very important to the development of an industry . Several days ago,a meeting on horologe standard,i . e . the National Horologe Standardization Technology Committee Meeting was held inYiwu .
Having developed for over 20 years,Yiwu’s industry of clocks and watches is now in a considerable scale and the yearly production value is about 2 . 3 billionyuan .About 80% of the products are exported to regions like Europe,America,the Middle East and the Southeast Asia . Yiwu’s sales volume of timekeeping products such as electronic watch,quartz clock and watch movement has exceeded many places including Guangzhou ,Shenzhen and Fujian. China’s famous brands like EBOHR ,COMPAS ,BEIJIXING ,URANUS have exclusive distribution and general agents in Yiwu.Yiwu watch is establishing itself as the export base of national quartz clocks . So far as standardization is concerned,Yiwu’s horologe guild has already required its members to produce watches an d clocks referring to the national standard since last year .The quartz clock enterprises with the most sales have carried out the Standard of Indicating Quartz Clock Movement of Yiwu Watch Industry .The fast development of Yiwu market and the successive annual progressive growth of horologe sales are particularly concerned by men of timepiece .

Over 1000 foreign offices in Yiwu now

Sources say that there have been1 ,288 foreignen terprises from over 100 countries and regions setting up their offices inYiwu ,making Yiwu the leading city among China’s county-level cities interms of the number of foreign establishments . It is said that the first foreignoffice inYiwu was set up inApril ,2002 by a Palestinian trade company.And with the growing reputation of Yiwu around the world,the number of permanent offices of foreign countries has been increasing rapidly .
In March of this year,the representative office of Darcono Brothers Co .,Ltd was established by Darcon o from Mali,Africa,who became the 1000th foreignoffices inYiwu . Since then,Yiwu has become the first city with over 1000 resident offices of foreign enterprises in Zhejiang Province,and the number is still growing with Yiwu more and more known around the world . And among China’s county-level cities,Yiwu is the one who boasts the largest number of foreignoffices .
Initially,most foreignoffices were set up by compan ies in the Middle East and Africa . But since 2004,there have beenmore and more offices set up by businessmen from Europe,America,Japan ,Korea and other developed countries,accounting for 17.6% of the total today .

Construction of regional financial center speeds up

Sources say that in the past ten months the development of Yiwu’s economy and finance has enjoyed a sound momen tum,with good developing features clearly displayed . Since the beginning of this year,the economy and society have developed steadily . In the first three quarters,the total industrial output value of the city reached 60 . 2 billionyuan ,up 16.4
percent from the same period of last year; the investmen
t i n fixed assets amoun ted to 8.4 billion yuan,a rise of 14 . 7 percent;and the retail sales of consumer goods totaled 12.47 billion yuan,increasing by 17 . 5 percent . Meanwhile,despite the more frequent and further strengthened macro-control,Yiwu showed a sound development momentum in its financial industry,with four good features clearly displayed,including the rapid expansion of its total financial volume,the improvement of the capital quality and business performance,the sound and interactive development pattern integrated with the local economy,and the further optimized financial environment .
Inthe first tenmon ths,the loans and deposits of all kinds in the city sustained rapid growth .By the end of October,the balance of all kinds of savings in domestic and foreign currency had reached 8.26 billion yuan,which in creased by 10.5 billion yuan,a rise of 14 . 6 percent,and the balance of loans of all kinds had reached 59 . 6 billionyuan ,anin crease of 13 billion yuan (up by 28 percent) from the beginning of the year . Besides,the favorable balance in exchange,settlement and sales continued to expand,the public revenue remained in a good condition,the financial market operated remarkably,and the cash deposit and withdrawal increased steadily . Furthermore,inthe previous tenmon ths,the asset quality of Yiwu financial institutions was constantly improved,and the non-performing asset ratio decreased by 0.23 percentage against the beginning of the year,which was on a par with that of Americanan d Europeanban k industry .At the same time,the cooperationbetween government and bank as well as that between bank and enterprise resulted in conspicuous achievements,and financial institutions’ enthusiasm for serving the local economic construction was further stimulated. However,some difficulties and problems were also observed in the development of Yiwu financial industry . Since the beginning of this year,the Central Bank has raised the deposit-reserve ratio for nine times,and the effect of the macro-control has fully revealed - all Yiwu banks felt tight in the money liquidity and difficult inloanprovidin g . Since the second half year is the booming season for the manufacture and sale of small commodities as well as a special seasonbadly inn eed of funds,the insufficient support from the financial credit will create a bottleneck in the development of local industries and economy,said Wu Weirong,secretary of Yiwu municipal Party committee . Besides,the financial environment needs to be further improved,because there are still many factors in the city that may harm the financial stability and security,and the financial system still needs to be perfected,because many listed companies are badly lacking in the preparatory resources,Wu said .
In this critical period of building a harmonious society through scientific development,the financial industry,the core of modernecon omy,must speed up inits development,so as to meet the acceleration of economic structure adjustment and its adaptationto the more openfin ancial situation,Wu stressed . According to him,all Yiwu financial institutions should proceed with confidence and work hard onfour aspects of the job . First,the financial industry should respond actively to the national macro-control policy and take effective measures to support the local economic construction. Second,the financial institutions should constantly carry out innovations on both financial products and services for the better adaptation to the new situations in the financial development . Third,the supervisiononthe enterprises with loans should be strengthened,inorder to guard the financial stability . Fourth,the financial reform and opening-up should be accelerated to enhance the construction of a regional financial center .Wu added,the prosperity of Yiwu’seconomy can not occur without the strong support from the financial industry,and vice versa . In the faster steps towards building an international trade city ,all Yiwu financial institutions should strengthen the consciousness of rare opportunity,innovation and constant improvement of service level,and spare no efforts in striving for the great goal of building Yiwu into a regional financial center .

Wenweipo of Hong Kong to share Yiwu business news

November 13 saw formal publicationof Yiwu Business News page of Hong Kong Wenweipo,which came into being with the effort of International Communication Office of CPC Yiwu Municipal Committee(Press Office of Yiwu Municipal Government),Yiwu Business News and Hong Kong Wenweipo . Wu Weirong,member of the Standing Committee of CPC Jinhua Municipal Committee,secretary of CPC Yiwu Municipal Committee,and He Meihua ,Vice president of CPPIC Jinhua Municipal Committee,vice secretary of CPC Yiwu Municipal Committee,acting mayor of Yiwu Municipal government sent their congratulations to the press .
Growing up with this international trade city as well as the world’s largest market,Yiwu Business News is becoming more and more influential around the country especially on peripheral cities . The publicationof Yiwu Business News page of Hong Kong Wenweipo is a key step to realize “leapfrog development” of the newspaper .
Hon g Kon g Wen weipo is a comprehensive leading newspaper for HongKong society . There aders of Wenweipo are Hong Kong elites in general . Currently,Wenweipo publishes 60 pages inHon g Kong each day .
Apart from that,the newspaper will be distributed to China’s main lan d,and publish 9 different overseas editions in Southeast Asiancoun tries and North America . The daily circulationreaches 400,000 . Yiwu Business News page of Hon g Kon g Wen weipo will take on a color page each month and be distributed to the whole world with Hong Kong Wenweipo . The columns include Commodity World,Commodity Index,Credit Market,ExhibitionIn-formation,Business Civilization,Yiwu People and Watch Yiwu with Third Eye . It will focus onthe report of business and trade between Yiwu and Hong Kong.

Christmas gifts selling well at home

Walking into a Christmas gifts store in Christmas Gifts Area which is near Jinmao Building in the Chouzhou Road,we see six or seven young people busy arranging sample gifts on both sides ofthe wall,the store hung with balls,small bells,strings ofbeads ,etc .,and vivid Santa Claus standing near the walls in various postures . The storekeeper says Christmas presents export has already ended and now the gifts are mainly sold to the home market . A woman storekeeper says some enterprises,stores,hotels and guesthouses demand Christmas gifts greatly because Chinese start to celebrate this western festival in recent years . Home and foreign markets have different demand for the Christmas goods . Foreign markets mostly favor small ones like gifts and little pendants on Christmas trees but home markets prefer big ones for decoration or hanging such as solid snowflake and bigger bells . Most Christmas goods in China will distributed through Yiwu.

Yiwu:goes two thirds of China’s export of Christmas gifts

As the largest small commodity distributing center in the world,Yiwu has gradually revealed its gathering power in trade ofChristmas gifts . According to the insiders,the export of Christmas gifts this year began in February and March,with May and October as its booming seasons . Due to the strong influence of the small commodity market,Christmas gifts,as one ofthe main kinds ofsmall commodities,are beginning to draw more and more attention from both the dealers and buyers . Besides the some one thousand foreign traders,who live in Yiwu doing business and joining the purchase of Christmas gifts every year,many other foreign businessmen have been attracted to Yiwu by its reputation ofsmall commodities . Some even made a special trip from abroad to purchase Christmas gifts in the city .
Meanwhile,more and more domestic Christmas gifts enterprises value Yiwu market and begin to come here from all parts ofthe world . At present,over two-thirds ofthe Christmas gifts enterprises in China have either set up factories or opened their sale windows . According to some dealers,apart from the traditional Christmas gifts like pompon,fancy lantern,pendant,strand-bell,Santa Claus costume and toy ,some new-type Christmas gifts,such as snow Santa Claus,crystal Christmas tree and hightech Christmas toy,have come to expand the market this year . As usual,the Christmas gifts this year appeal to the businessmen from home and abroad with low price and abundance in kinds .
According to the preliminary statistics and rough estimate ofthe related departments,the export volume ofYiwu Christmas gifts in the f i r s t three quarters exceeded  50 million dollars,up 30 percent against the same period of last year . This figure only indicates the export trade volume ofYiwu local enterprises with self-run right,so it can not reveal the actual total volume of Christmas gifts exported abroad through Yiwu,said some staff members from the Municipal Bureau ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation Attracted by Yiwu,the globally largest small commodity distributing center,toy enterprises from all over the country came to share the purchasing orders from the foreign businessmen .
Many ofthem exported their products via Ningbo and Shanghai after getting the orders successfully . As a result,it is difficult to have accurate numbers about the export volume ofChristmas gifts . This year,the Christmas gifts exported from Yiwu take 70 percent of American and Mexican markets and over 50 percent ofEuropean market .
In Mexico,all levels ofChristmas gifts can be found in the high-grade shopping center and street stalls . Mexico is going to have a China-made Christmas,the local media said,when commenting on t h e China-made Christmas gifts . But it is interesting to notice that almost all the medium and low grade China-made Christmas gifts were exported through Yiwu .
Presently,nearly all the Christmas gifts and ornaments available in many foreign countries like Mexico are from China . The low price and kind-richness ofChina-made products,especially the labor-intensive Christmas gifts,can always catch the eyes ofAmerican and European businessmen . Canadian businessman Ianniquc said Yiwu is his main purchase destination for Christmas gifts,adding that some businessmen in his country ,who previously purchased through secondhand dealers,also came to Yiwu themselves for procurement after getting the information .

Yiwu City:the largest mart for petty commodities

“ Yiwu , 300 kilometers away from Shanghai , is the largest market ofpetty commodity wholesales in the world where various foreign buyers go to place orders . ” Such a depiction comes from Chinese Figures Astonishing the World , a special report co-delivered by the United Nations ,the World Bank and Morgan Stanley . In that special report ,Yiwu is the only enlisted county economy . And in the choice of “the 2004 Most Favorite Chinese Cities of Domestic and Foreign Public in 2004 ”, Yiwu ranked the first among all county-level cities . What ’ s the reason that a county-level city located in the middle ofZhejiang Province has attracted so much attention of the public ?It is a “world supermarket ” . 3 , 000 booths ,10 major exhibition halls , an exhibition area of 70,000 square meters ,1,700 participating enterprises from more than 20 foreign countries and 25 domestic provinces ,municipalities and autonomous regions ,12,000 overseas merchants from 120 countries and regions?? Such are the latest records created by the 2005 Yiwu International Commodities Fair (hereinafter abbreviated as Yiwu Fair).
Bo Xilai,China’s Minister ofCommerce ,claimed after his investigation in Yiwu that to study China’s market economy,it is a must to come to Yiwu;to study the development ofChina ’s non-governmental economy,one must go to Yiwu.
At present , there live 1. 6 million people in Yiwu city; but over a million people engaged in construction and business from outside live there year in and year out . Within this small city covering only 1,105 square kilometers , there are 6,000 permanent foreign merchants from more than 100 countries and regions in the world going there to stock commodities and 566 representative offices of overseas companies approved to be established there in Yiwu.
Usually , an army ofover 200,000 purchasers send out commodities to 212 countries and regions at an average scale ofmore than 1,000 international standard containers there each day .
Without an advantaged geographical location as well as abundant products , Yiwu’s comprehensive development level ranked the 17th among the top 100 counties and cities and its urban competitiveness ranked the top among all county-level cities in Zhejiang in 2004 . Its per capita GDP achieved US$5,000, its fiscal revenues RMB2. 95 billion , and the per capita net incomes ofrural residents there RMB6 , 969 . More surprisingly , the possession volume ofcars is 26 per hundred households . Yiwu has developed its unique advantages . The over 100 ,000 dealers and 200,000 coming-and-going merchants in the market ofpetty commodities have constituted a huge selling group and a huge buying group respectively .
Along with the sustained economic development ofChina ,petty made-in-China commodities have enjoyed their increasing world competitiveness in the international market . Yiwu has hold this point tightly that during over twenty years , Yiwu has expanded its market of petty commodities eight times ,developing from the over 700 stands ofcement sheet along the streets in 1982 into the current international trade city .
“ Have petty commodities made in Yiwu ” is another slogan in the Yiwu market . In recent years , there established two economic development zones at the provincial level in Yiwu ,which have fostered 25,000 industrial enterprises . Among the advantageous industries such as knitting socks,clothes,ornaments,handicrafts,toys,cosmetics, zippers and cultural and sport products ,quite a few have taken up over one third of the domestic market shares ,some representing 60 percent or even higher . Moreover ,these industries enjoy their advanced equipments and technologies ,thus occupying the international high-end market and boasting a relatively strong international competitiveness .
The construction of Yiwu International Trade City has absorbed the designing conception oflarge international business center . It's equipped with the central air-conditioning, elevated stereo transport network and wide band information network , realizing the standard property management of a three-star hotel . In recent years,there have planned and constructed foreignoriented institutions such as customs,foreign exchange management and foreign business services center successively in Yiwu .At present,the city boasts 18 financial institutions and 286 financial net points;furthermore,the network payment system has been put into use successfully,thus building up primarily such systems as net shop,net purchase and net promotion .
Yiwu possesses five professional freight markets and opens freight business with over 250 big and middle cities and major international ports around the world . Eight out ofthe top 20 global shipping companies have set up their of fceis in Yiwu. Yiwu customs , established in 2002 , provides a full coverage ofservices from commodity inspection to customs declaration ,and it ’s one ofthe largest inland customs in China . The international logistic center has been cooperating with the Ningbo Port and Shanghai Port , thus realizing one-station customs clearance and shortening the circulating cycle off oreign trade goods greatly . By now , its function as an “inland port ”has been starting to shape up .


Yiwu:a powerhouse of profits,products and professionalism

Located in the middle of East China’s Zhejiang Province, Yiwu is known as the largest business center of small commodities in Asia . There is not much cultivated land available in the city,with an area of 1,105 square kilometers . So,in the past local people had to go to neighboring cities to conduct business .

The stereotype of a Yiwu vendor at that time is someone carrying two buckets of small goods-sugar,candy and embroidery needles for instance-on a bamboo-made shoulder pole,banging a small drum to attract attention . A market named the Yiwu Small Commodity City was set up by the local government in 1982 ,in aim to make the city an international business center .

Now,the market of Yiwu is one of 20 markets spread over the city,with 35,000 booths and an area of around 1 million square meters . The main markets offer arts and crafts,candles,gardening equipment,umbrellas,artificial flowers,stationery,sport and leisure products,shoes,clocks and watches,toys,kitchen and bathroom hardware,jewelry,leather products,tissues and socks . More than 320,000 items are classified under 1,502 different categories . Yiwu has become a paradise for traders from all over the world,with up to 200,000 visitors per day on average . I t is also the country’s biggest export center of small commodities . Every day over 1,000 containers leave the city bound for overseas markets . The total value of export in 2005 rocketed to $ 1 billion ,up from $ 40 million in 1999 .

Jin Guojun is always the youngest delegate of local enterprisers when he attends government meetings in Yiwu .The 30-year-old multimillionaire doesn’t have the experience of sell ing small commodities nationwide to accumulate capital as a great many elder enterprisers did in the past . Nor has he become affluent by buying and selling booths at a popular market . Instead,he entered business after taking over a bankrupted clothing factory from his parents in the late 1990s,with funds of no more than 15,000 yuan ( $2,000) . Jin explains Yiwu was famous fo r manufacturing shirts at that time,due to its location close to Shaoxing,a cloth material base in East China’s Zhejiang Province. However,the quality of the shirts was generally not good enough to establish any wel l -known brands in the country . At first,Jin found it difficult to expand his business,even though he received a certain amount of overseas orders every year .

Blessed with a good feel for the market,he introduced advanced sewing machines from Italy and Japan in 2003,to manufacture seamless underwear as well as fitnesswear . It was then that his business turned the corner . “I was in the second wave of local enterprisers switching to the business . But I never thought it is too late because I could learn something from the first wave to make things more successful,”he says . Now,the young man has the largest factory of seamless underwear in the city,with an annual output worth more than $20 million.

Yiwu has become the biggest manufacturing base of seamless underwear in the country,accounting for 80 percent of the national total,more than three times the figure in 2001 ,according to Jin . Despite owning six compani es worldwide ,the Yiwu native claims he is not really all that busy . A professional team has been hired to help manage his business,enabling him to have more time to attend various business-oriented classes arranged by China‘s top learning institutions,such as Tsinghua and Zhe jiang universities .

“My goal is not just making money,more importantly,it is about establishing my own brand and making it last forever,”he says .To show his support,Jin has got ten rid of all his Calvin Klein underwear,preferring to wear only his own brand . Soon he will set up a sales company in Shanghai to promote the brand in a topgrade market .

“To develop a good brand,the primary thing is credibi li ty,and the second,still,is credibility,”he adds .Jin plans to list his company on the Hong Kong s tock market within three years . He predicts more than 10 local enterprises will also be listed in the next few years .

“ In general ,Yiwu enterprises feature family business,and their starting points are quite low . Some enterprisers,especially those aged above 50 ,just focus on immediate interests and have no long-term plans,making it difficult for the companies to become listed . I hope this situation changes,”he says .

700 volunteers serve at YWICF

During the annually held Yiwu International Commodities Fair(YWICF), you may see groups of volunteers wearing red waistcoats and red hats ,busy offering service here and there to visitors and traders . These young volunteers are really indispensable to the Fair now. Over the 13 years since 1995 ,YWICF has been growing up with the yearly contribution from its volunteers . And this year volunteers were trying to offer better service ,promote the spirit of “ dedication , friendship , mutual help , and progress ”, and show the image of “a culture-enriched Yiwu and a ceremonious trade city ”. With their practice , the volunteers played the theme song of the Fair —— — Youth This year , there were over 5000 applicants for volunteering to work for the Fair ,aged 14 to 40 . Among them 700 were recrui ted . They were from more than 20 provinces and regions ,and were such people as college students,overseas students,civil servants,teachers , workers from enterprises and free-lancers .
Apart from local volunteers ,more and more students from other colleges and universities were sent to YWICF as volunteers . Zhejiang Normal University and Jinhua College of Profession & Technology sent teams to serve the Fair every year , whi le Zhejiang Shuren University in Hangzhou also sent its group of volunteers for the first time . Volunteers for this year ’s Fair showed an all-round quality never seen in the previous fairs . Take foreign languages for example, almost each of the 700 volunteers could speak at least one of the five languages like English,Japanese,Korean ,German and French ,so that they could better serve the ever more internationalized Yiwu Fair .

Yiwu,No.1 of China’s Top 10 Market Cities

For more intensive studies of the commodity markets ,scientific researchers of the Institute of Finance & Trade Economics ( IFTE),Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS),worked together for over 2 years with experts and scholars from research institution,universities ,guilds ,business administration departments for the Bluebook of Commodity Market Development in China through on-the-spot investigation ,interview ,discussion ,questionnaire ,secondhand data collection ,etc . They studied more than 300 markets in different areas ,types ,industries and development stages , and produced 7 different lists of award winners for the year 2007 related to China commodity markets : China ’ s Top 10 Market Cities ,China ’s Top 10 Advanced Markets ,China ’s Top 10 Brand Markets ,China ’s Top 10 Innovation Markets ,China ’s Top 10 New-star Markets ,China ’s Top 10 Market Worthies and China ’s Top 10 Zhejiang Businessmen Outstanding in Foreign Investment Market .

It is learned that the top 10 market cites are Yiwu City ,Yongkang City ,Shaoxing County, Haining City ,Tongxiang City,Foshan City,Shouguang City,Linyi City,Changzhou City and Wujiang City .

The volume of business of Yiwu commodi ti es has been No. 1 among national markets for 15 years and this year CCC is No . 1 of the Top 10 Advanced Markets . Having developed for over 10 years ,relying on Yiwu international trade city , Yiwu Decoration City is becoming a shining star among decoration markets in Yiwu and even in China . Decoration commodities reach more than 10 provinces and cities like Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui,Jiangxi,Sichan,Guizhou,Shanghai and Beijing . The yearly volume of business reached 60 million yuan from 2001 to 2005 and the volume of business exceeded 100 million yuan in 2006 . For all this,Yiwu Decorat ion City is ranked No.1 of China’s Top 10 New-star Markets .

The list shows that Yiwu is becoming the leader of over 300 markets in China as well as the bank of market management talents . The list also shows that over half of the top ten market cities are those in Zhejiang Province . It is said that 16 markets in Zhejiang were awarded various grand prizes for China's best commodities markets in 2007 .

Yiwu Customs

Playing with flags for enjoyment on the 18th day of the ninth lunar month is one of the traditional folk cultural activities favored by people in Dongzhu Village of Chi’an Town since ancient times . This year’s flag festival fell on October 28,and it was the first that had been celebrated in 60 years because of historical reasons . With the noise of bustling drums and firecrackers,flags in various colors,shapes and sizes were shown :12 five-meter red flags ,6 four-me te r green flags,36 three-meter yellow flags,20 triangle flags,12 literary flags and 24 military flags,different numbers standing for different meanings . It is learned that about 400 villagers,including kids and white-haired elders took part in the folk activity .

“Trust China ,trust‘Made in China ’”

Bus iness TV ( AABTV) started the Zhejiang section of its large-scale reporting program titled “ Trust China , and trust ‘ Made in Zhejiang ’”.
This section will focus on six key export-oriented cities and counties in Zhejiang Province ,especially Yiwu enterprises and Yiwu market , trying to let consumers in the Middle E ast know the truth about products made in Zhejiang .
It is introduced that the products made in Zhejiang have occupied an important position in Mid-East markets. About 30% of the commodities are made in China , mainly exported via Yiwu .
This is allegedly the first large scale news-gathering activity ever conducted in Yiwu by international media .

Bus line fromDongzhou to New Railway Station opened

On Oct . 22 , bus line from Dongzhou Residential Area to New Railway Station numbered 802 was put into use . And ever since ,six air-conditioned luxurious buses have been involved in this new route .
The new route is linked by Shangbo Road , Jiangdong Road ,Zongze Road ,Jiangbin Road ,Futian Road , Shangcheng Avenue , North Station Avenue ,Zhanqian Avenue . The bus goes to New Railway Station from Dongzhou Residential Area by way of Xiawang Village ,Jiangkantou ,Exhibition Hall ( E),Planning and Design Institute ,China Custom ,International Trade City ,Futian Primary School ,Temporary Stop ,Taojieling ,Temporary Stop ,Qishan Cemetery ,Yi ’an Junction , Temporary Stop ,Qianmaodi an , Zhouchun Vi llage ,Matashi ,Yalou ,Hongxunfan . The service period of No . 802 is from 6:00 am to 5:45 pm( both in Dongzhou Residential Area and New Railway Station),and the operation interval is 16 to 30 minutes . Fares are charged by conductors and decided by stops covered .

2007 Yiwu Fair:turnover exceeding 10 bln yuan

The 5-day 2007 China Yiwu International Commodities Fair closed on the afternoon of October 26 accomplished a total business volume of 10.89 billion yuan ,increasing 15 . 3% compared with last year’s Yiwu Fair . It was the first time that the turnover of Yiwu Fair had ever exceeded 10 billion yuan . According to statistics,during the five-day exhibition,the number of registered professional traders reached 110156,including 17011 foreign traders ,which increased 5.9% compared with last year’s Yiwu Fair . The foreign traders came from 172 countries and regions,over 60% of them were from developed countries in Europe and America . 85 foreign trade groups visited the exhibition for purchasing .
According to the statistics from related departments,the turnover of foreign trade of Yiwu Fair reached US$980 million this year,accounting for 67 . 5% of total turnover . This is a sufficient evidence of the export-oriented exhibition .
Meanwhile,statistics show that the total number of visits of Online Yiwu Fair(www. Chinafairs . org)during the five-day exhibition was 436924,increasing 10.9% compare with last year .

Yiwu Fair:third largest commodities fair in China

The 2007 China Yiwu International Commodities Fair was closed on October 26 .The total trade volume of this fair reached 10.89 billion yuan,in cluding US$980 million contributed by foreign trade .The once local fair now has become the third largest commodities fair in China,following Guangzhou Fair and East China Fair .
In 1995,Yiwu held the first commodities fair based on its commodities market .That was a fair with traditional festival atmosphere,because a lot of local people also took it as a templefair for purchasing consumer goods .
Since 2002,with China Commercial Bureau ’s joining in holding YWICF,the scale of the fair enlarged a lot .From 2002 to 2007,the number of exhibiting enterprise and standard booths increased from 1,026 and 1,500 to 2,565 and 4,500 respectively . On the other hand,the number of professional businessmen and foreign businessmen increased from 61,000 and 5,448 to 110,000 and 17,011 respectively .The trade volume and foreign trade volume increased from 5.1 billion yuan and US$285 million to 10.89 billion yuan and US$980 million respectively.
Since Yiwu commodities market has about 100,000 dealers and 200,000 customers,exhibiting more than 400,000 commodities,it is also called an everlasting fairs . Based on this big market,Yiwu fair industry emerged as a new force . Over 80 fairs are held in Yiwu every year,including more than 30 professional fair,like commodities,cultural products,hardware and electrical appliance,cosmetics,toys and so on . Until now,15 county-level industry associations or well-known exhibition bureaus have held fairs in Yiwu.

“Pop elements”found in Yiwu Fair

With more exhibition booths and more exhibitors , purchasers and visitors ,the 2007 China Yiwu International Commodities Fair shows more new elements . Slightly different from last year ’s , the fair of this year contains some more elements of innovation and of technology .
Presently ,Yiwu is not contented with just working as a selling platform of various commodities but is also striving to built itself into an R&D center of small commodities . Now , more and more Yiwu enterprises are working on their would-be famous brand in their own R&D centers . It is commonly recognized among Yiwu enterprises that brand and innovation is the fundamental principle for further development .
Yiwu enterprises are changing their roles from manufacturers to designers , from OEMs to brand originators . At the 12th Yiwu People ’ s Congress of CPC held early this year , the concept was promoted that Yiwu should establish itself as an international creation and innovation center of commodities ,quite different from the previous goal —— — an international manufacturing center of commodities .This difference shows Yiwu ’s resolution to strengthen independent innovation and promote competitive power.

Small commodities fair to lure 110,000 businessmen

Over 110,000 domestic and foreign business people from 130 countries and regions will display and sell products during a trade fair from Monday to Friday to in Yiwu City,East China’s Zhejiang Province .
More than 200,000 kinds of small commodities produced by over 2,565 domestic and overseas factories are on display at the 2007 China Yiwu International Small Commodities Exposition, the fair organizers said on October 21 . There are 4 ,500 booths for the exhibitors, covering a floor area of 90,000 square meters, they said .A series of lectures,forums and presentations will be held as part of the international commodities fair,which was launched in 1995 .
Last year,the fair reached a total trade value of 9 . 45 billion yuan (US$1 . 26 billion),including US$780 million export .
Yiwu has turned into Asia ’s largest marketplace of small commodities ranging from needles and buttons to lighters and playing cards, since China launched its reform and opening drive 29 years ago .
Zhejiang,one of the fastest developed provinces in the country,is home to many factories producing small commodities in large quantities .

YWICF belongs not only to China,but to the world

In the course of the past 13 years ,Yiwu International Commodities Fair (YWICF) has gone through the stage of development from birth to toddling and from childhood to maturity . In other words , it has experienced the process of creating out of nothing then growing up vigorously .

Statistics show that during the 5 days of 2007 YWICF ,there have been 110,156 professional purchasers attending the Fair ,including 85 overseas purchasing groups and 17,011 foreign traders from 172 countries and regions . Over 60% of them are from developed countries in Europe and America . The export-oriented extent of YWICF has been wider and wider with the increasing reputation of Yiwu market. It is recorded that , in 2002 ,there were 61, 000 professional buyers , with 5,668 foreign purchasers from 105 countries and regions . In 2006 ,the number of professional buyers increased to 103,000 ,with 16 ,056 foreign purchasers from 162 countries and regions .Obviously,2007 YWICF hits a new record with regard to the number of professional purchasers from home and abroad . According to statistical data,the turnover of the five-day 2007 YWICF increases to 10 . 89 billion Yuan,a rise of 15 . 3% compared to that of last YWICF;and the total sum exceeds 10 billion Yuan for the first time .

Purchasers with different skin colors centralize in Yiwu,contributing directly to the growth of the volume of foreigntrade here,which amounts to US $980 million,equal to 67 . 5% of the total turnover at 2007 YWICF. In retrospect,2002 YWICF only saw 5 . 1 billion Yuan and US$285 million for its total trade value and export trade value respectively . By 2006,those numbers grew to 9 . 45 billion Yuan and US$780 million respectively .

YWICF has become the third biggest export exhibition at home after the China Export Commodities Fair (Canton Fair) and East China Fair . In terms of size,influence and efficiency,it has been ranked first among all daily consumer goods exhibitions in China .

Meanwhile ,the opening o f Bid8 American Hall attracts the attention of many business people . It is learned that the Hall will be moved to Yiwu International Trade City after the Fair .

Then,over 2,000 American products of 7 categories will be displayed there,including food,beverages,baby necessities,automobile supplies,and household cleaning articles .